Celebrate life’s special moments at Pinewood

Social Events

Pinewood is perfect for baby showers, bridal showers, birthdays, anniversaries, and more. Our beautifully designed lobby is ideal for intimate gatherings of up to 40 guests, offering a cozy and stylish atmosphere for your event.

Stylish spaces for your most meaningful moments

every celebration

Rent the entire building, or just one room; customizable packages for small events

Available Spaces + Rooms

If you're looking for something in between, we offer custom packages depending on the size of your groups and your needs.

Custom Package

Our main lobby where guests enter the building is a 2 story area with floor to ceiling windows. Complete with furniture, a cozy fireplace, tables, chairs, and more!

Lobby Only Rental

Pinewood is located on 10 acres in the woods. With the full venue rental you get access to the entire property and building.

Entire Venue Rental

Rental prices start at $150/hour for limited access. Please inquire for more details.

Ready to get started planning your event?


— Danielle Maetche

Pinewood was the perfect venue to host my baby shower. Their team provided space options that fit our needs and it was the most beautiful venue with natural light! The shower was a dream come true and I can't recommend Pinewood enough for any event!

— Danielle Maetche

Pinewood is such a beautiful wedding venue, but hosting other types of parties are just as fun as well. Highly recommended considering hosting your next baby shower or bridal shower or any type of event at Pinewood!

— Danielle Maetche

The attention to detail is unmatched from communication with their team, to the modern building design, and the tables and chairs that were all set up when we arrived.

— Danielle Maetche

I love how we were able to decorate the space to match the theme of the shower, but really not much decorating needed to be done since the space is so beautiful on its own!

We exclusively partner with Liquid Motion for all beverage services. Whether you want to offer alcohol or select from their creative non-alcoholic packages, they have everything you need!


We’ve carefully curated a list of preferred catering companies for you to choose from. These trusted partners offer a range of options and budgets, all while providing exceptional service to ensure a stress-free experience on your special day.


Food + beverage options

A great experience begins with great service

Sign your contract and pay the retainer to officially hold your date.

We’ll work with you to find a date that’s perfect for your vision and budget.

Whether you’d like to tour virtually or in-person, inquire to set up a tour to see the space! 

Click the button below to contact us to get more information and pricing.


The Courtyard

Forest Lounge

Juniper Lounge

Main Gathering Hall

Upper Gathering Hall

Conference Room

The Courtyard

The Lobby

The Lounges

Main Gathering Hall

Upper Gathering Hall

Custom Package

Entire Venue

The Lobby

Entire Venue

The Lobby + Outdoors

The Outdoors

Spring at Pinewood

Summer at Pinewood

Autumn at Pinewood

Winter at Pinewood